Advantages of Dental Crowns - Harmony Dental Care

Advantages of Dental Crowns

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advantages of dental crowns

Are you considering getting dental crowns to cover a damaged, stained, or misshapen tooth? When you think about getting dental crowns in Waterloo, you undoubtedly have some questions about the advantages these dental restorations offer. Our team at Harmony Dental breaks down the many benefits that dental crowns near you can provide in this blog post.

How Do Dental Crowns Benefit Your Teeth?

When you choose to cover a damaged or misshapen tooth with a dental crown, you accrue many benefits:

1. Dental Crowns Strengthen Your Teeth

Dental crowns protect your weakened or damaged teeth from experiencing further damage or decay. Dental crowns completely cover your tooth to give it the strength it needs to function properly. This is why our dentist near you often places a dental crown over a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy.

2. Dental Crowns Restore Teeth

Dental crowns, also called tooth caps, are used by our dentist at Harmony Dental to restore a damaged or weakened tooth to its original size, shape, strength, and function. Dental crowns restore your speaking and eating capabilities and contribute to a more aesthetically pleasing smile, enhancing confidence and comfort.

3. Dental Crowns Do Not Move

Dental crowns are permanently placed over damaged or decayed teeth, ensuring that they stay in the correct position and that your bite is not compromised. Unlike dentures that move around and shift, dental crowns are fixed in place, making them comfortable in your mouth.

4. Dental Crowns Enhance Your Smile

Our dentist in Waterloo may suggest that you get dental crowns for many reasons. Perhaps you have a discoloured or chipped tooth, or maybe you have a decayed or weakened tooth. When you choose to restore your tooth with dental crowns, you invest in a permanent solution that strengthens your tooth and improves your smile. Dental crowns are made to match the colour, size, and shape of your surrounding natural teeth so that they blend in seamlessly with your smile. You can choose to have your crowns made from porcelain, which makes them stain-resistant and natural-looking.

If you are interested in beginning the process of getting dental crowns, you need to speak to our dentist as soon as possible. Whether you require one or more dental crowns for your damaged, decayed, or weakened teeth, the sooner you begin the process for dental crowns, the better your chances are of maintaining excellent oral health.

It will require at least two visits to our dental clinic to have your dental crowns placed. Our dentist will prepare your teeth for the crowns at the first visit and take impressions, which will be sent to a dental laboratory where your custom crowns will be created. The permanent crowns will be placed at your second appointment, completing the process.

Visit Harmony Dental

You may be an excellent candidate for dental crowns if you have a weakened, decayed, or misshapen tooth. If you seek the best dentist in Waterloo to place your dental crowns, look no further than Harmony Dental. We are happy to provide an in-depth evaluation and get you started on the dental crown process. Please get in touch with us to book a consultation today!
